My American way of war


DirectorSylvain Desmille

AuthorSylvain Desmille



Duration 60 minutes

With the participation of Toute l'Histoire, LCP Assemblée nationale, CNC and Procirep-Angoa.
Distribution: AB International Distribution.

From one World War to another (1919-1945), the rise of the American leadership, narrated from one man’s point of vue, Mike Stryker, and in a highly sensitive way.
Made of rare and unreleased images or from private funds, this 100% archives « drama documentary » traces the rise of the american leadership around the year 1918-1945, from the Roaring twenties to the atomic bomb,through the Great Depression and World War II.Thanks to the correspondence left by his parents, our narrator, Jeff Stryker, traces significantly and sensitively the story of Mike and Gisèle, heroes of this lost generation who faced, from one world war to another, all the issues of the twentieth century that still resonate today.

Le documentariste Sylvain Desmille use de ce matériau souple qu'est la mémoire familiale pour interroger le destin des Etats-Unis, devenus première puissance mondiale au lendemain de la Grande Guerre

Le Monde du 4 juillet 2016